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Quafflenet - a Harry Potter Fansite

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Gryffindor Commonroom

For any discussion about Gryffindor House. (Also has a list of all the current Gryffindor students on Quafflenet)
11Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:43 pm
Hoppus Gryffindor House Member List
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Ravenclaw Commonroom

For any discussion about Ravenclaw House. (Also has a list of all the current Ravenclaw students on Quafflenet)
11Tue Jan 18, 2011 6:38 am
Hoppus Ravenclaw House Member List
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Hufflepuff Commonroom

For any discussion about Hufflepuff House. (Also has a list of all the current Hufflepuff students on Quafflenet)
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Slytherin Commonroom

For any discussion about Slytherin House. (Also has a list of all the current Slytherin students on Quafflenet)
11Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:28 am
Hoppus Slytherin House Member List
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